Sunday, March 20, 2011

Arizona, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, and the on-going Abortion Debate

So while researching the on-going topic of abortion, I stumbled across a video from Live Action films.  In the audio recording that appears in the video- a pro-life college student pretends to be a possible Planned Parenthood donor.  He calls Planned Parenthood and tries to donate money with racial intentions.  What I mean by this is that the "donor" asks if the money could be used to exterminate black babies specifically.  Lisa at Planned Parenthood excitedly say "she understands" and seems to be willing to take the donation.  If this is the case, Arizona better be prepared to file lawsuits against Planned Parenthood for racial extermination.

Further on in the video, it is released that YouTube was removing LiveAction videos for no given reason.  Censorship at it's finest.  Oh what is this world coming to?  The United States is becoming a place where people can picket military funerals because of their 1st Ammendment rights, but yet people can't have their pro-life opinions on the web? 

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