Totally, thought I would share a very pro-life music video that made my evening. Big Tent Revival's "Choose Life" song. Doing some research for a future post. The count as of today day 23 in 40 days for Life across the Nation is 222 babies saved. Amen. God is good!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms139:13-16
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Everything is Bigger in the State of Texas
This is such an encouraging video to watch. So proud of the Dallas pro-lifers coming together.
Thank you Gabby for sharing! :)
Thank you Gabby for sharing! :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Defining Personhood
So I asked a pro-choice person this morning is a fetus a human? To which he responded, "why yes ofcourse, fetus is a stage of human development; however, a fetus is NOT a person." When he said this my eyebrow rose. How can a fetus be a human and yet not a person? Trust me, I spent hours running my mind through every possibility and it is scary no matter how I look at the situation. So first we shall compare the dictionary definitions:
human- noun; a member of any of the races of the species Homo sapiens; a person; man woman, or child.
person- noun;
1. a human being, whether man, woman, or child: The table seats four persons.
human- noun; a member of any of the races of the species Homo sapiens; a person; man woman, or child.
person- noun;
1. a human being, whether man, woman, or child: The table seats four persons.
2. a human being as distinguished from an animal or a thing.
3. Sociology . an individual human being, especially with reference to his or her social relationships and behavioral patterns as conditioned by the culture.
4. Philosophy . a self-conscious or rational being.
5. the actual self or individual personality of a human being: You ought not to generalize, but to consider the person you are dealing with.
6. the body of a living human being, sometimes including the clothes being worn: He had no money on his person.
7. the body in its external aspect: an attractive person to look at.
8. a character, part, or role, as in a play or story.
9. an individual of distinction or importance.
10. a person not entitled to social recognition or respect.
11. Law . a human being (natural person) or a group of human beings, a corporation, a partnership, an estate, or other legal entity (artificial person or juristic person) recognized by law as having rights and duties.
So the definition about a human states that a human is a person; however, the definition of a person is far more complicated depending upon who you ask. For example: in definition #3 with a focus on Sociology it mentions a person as being defined by their behavior and social relationships; however, I am fearful to define a person based on that because if we defined a person based on their social relationships- would an autistic individual or someone who lacks social skills not be a person?
However, the scariest definition is the one defined in Law. A person is a human being recognized by law as having rights and duties. Since when does law decide who is a human being deserving of rights? Oh wait, they already do- ever since Roe v. Wade. First of all, this reminds me of the Holocaust when Hitler said the Jews were not people. How about putting the Native Americans on reservations because they were "savages", does that sound familiar? Let us remind ourselves that if we allow law makers to decide what is and isn't a person (i.e. what is personhood?). Then we are allowing the possibility that we may no longer be defined as people too. Remember, history repeats itself quite often. So who are we to decide who is and isn't a person?
So the definition about a human states that a human is a person; however, the definition of a person is far more complicated depending upon who you ask. For example: in definition #3 with a focus on Sociology it mentions a person as being defined by their behavior and social relationships; however, I am fearful to define a person based on that because if we defined a person based on their social relationships- would an autistic individual or someone who lacks social skills not be a person?
However, the scariest definition is the one defined in Law. A person is a human being recognized by law as having rights and duties. Since when does law decide who is a human being deserving of rights? Oh wait, they already do- ever since Roe v. Wade. First of all, this reminds me of the Holocaust when Hitler said the Jews were not people. How about putting the Native Americans on reservations because they were "savages", does that sound familiar? Let us remind ourselves that if we allow law makers to decide what is and isn't a person (i.e. what is personhood?). Then we are allowing the possibility that we may no longer be defined as people too. Remember, history repeats itself quite often. So who are we to decide who is and isn't a person?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
What are you fighting for?
I received a private message on Twitter today from a loyal follower and they asked me, "What are you fighting for?" I thought about this question for a few minutes. My first reaction was to respond back stating have you not read my tweets, I think it is fairly clear that I am fighting for life.
So what am I fighting for. After a few minutes of pausing and really reflecting here are my thoughts:
I am sure there is more that I am fighting for but now it is good to know my goal, my purpose, my vision.
So what am I fighting for. After a few minutes of pausing and really reflecting here are my thoughts:
- I am fighting for the unborn- that they may have a voice and have it heard.
- I am fighting with the hope that one day the term "prochoice" means that you chose whether to raise your baby or give it up for adoption.
- I am fighting for our taxpayer dollars to be used to do good works, not to end countless lives that have so much potential.
- I am fighting for women's rights- fighting so that women will not have abortions and be susceptible to breast cancer, health risks, psychological torment, and the other negative effects of abortion.
- I am fighting that all women with unplanned pregnancies may have the chance to hear God's Word.
- I am fighting for life.
I am sure there is more that I am fighting for but now it is good to know my goal, my purpose, my vision.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Oh the Tangled Web You Weave Planned Parenthood
February 21, 2011 Planned Parenthood CEO, Cecile Richards, stopped by the morning talk show The View to talk with pro-abortion Joy Behar, a pro-abortion supporter, and her talk show correspondents. During this interview they discussed the possible defunding of Planned Parenthood. Cecile stated, “If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer.”
Unfortunately, Cecile Richards mislead the viewers when she said that women would lose access to mammograms if Planned Parenthood was defunded, because Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms on women. No mammograms are performed as a service to women in any Planned Parenthood facility across the country. Planned Parenthood gives referrals to other medical institutions to provide mammograms. Therefore, a woman's primary care physician could refer a woman to get a mammogram. This however, is not the first time that Planned Parenthood has stretched the truth. In 2006, a Susan G. Komen affiliate gave Planned Parenthood a $12,000 grant for breast exams. Why would Planned Parenthood accept a $12,000 grant for breast exams if they don't perform mammograms? That $12,000 grant should have been used in breast cancer research and reserved for post-abortive women who now have breast cancer, because there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. (see video below)
If Planned Parenthood is lying in the media and to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, what else are they lying about?
Unfortunately, Cecile Richards mislead the viewers when she said that women would lose access to mammograms if Planned Parenthood was defunded, because Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms on women. No mammograms are performed as a service to women in any Planned Parenthood facility across the country. Planned Parenthood gives referrals to other medical institutions to provide mammograms. Therefore, a woman's primary care physician could refer a woman to get a mammogram. This however, is not the first time that Planned Parenthood has stretched the truth. In 2006, a Susan G. Komen affiliate gave Planned Parenthood a $12,000 grant for breast exams. Why would Planned Parenthood accept a $12,000 grant for breast exams if they don't perform mammograms? That $12,000 grant should have been used in breast cancer research and reserved for post-abortive women who now have breast cancer, because there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. (see video below)
If Planned Parenthood is lying in the media and to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, what else are they lying about?
Norma Mc Corvey- "Jane Roe" speaks about why she is now pro-life
Something that the news media and politicians like to keep hidden is that the woman who was the plaintiff in the famous Roe V. Wade case, the case that legalized abortion, is now pro-life. Known as Jane Roe, her real name is Norma Mc Corvey, she never had an abortion and became saved. Norma Mc Corvey now works tirelessly to have Roe V. Wade overturned because she is a Christian and she is pro-life.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
"I See You" in Akron, Ohio
In Akron, Ohio there is a mobile bus providing free ultrasounds to pregnant women. The bus known as ICU which stands for Image Clear Ultrasounds provides an ultrasound to pregnant women free of charge. This is amazing because paying for an ultrasound without insurance can cost as much as $500. However, what is different about this service is there are counselors there on-site to provide counseling to the undecided expectant mothers as well as discussing and praying with the mothers about the option to abort or adopt. It is completely confidential.
I think this is great, because I read somewhere that 60-80% of women (depending on the source) who were thinking of aborting their unborn child change their mind after seeing an ultrasound. This can change hearts and lives.
For more information: Image Clear Ultrasound
I think this is great, because I read somewhere that 60-80% of women (depending on the source) who were thinking of aborting their unborn child change their mind after seeing an ultrasound. This can change hearts and lives.
For more information: Image Clear Ultrasound
Senator Says Pro-Lifers Don't Deserve American Freedoms
Senator Lautenberg out of New Jersey attended a Planned Parenthood rally on March 22, 2011. At this rally he said...well just hear for yourself:
"Those that don't support the rights of women don't deserve the freedoms of the Constitution"
Excuse me Senator, but this is the United States of America and not everyone agrees with your political opinion that is why there is voting. It's called democracy you should try it.
Let's continue to rally for the unborn and rally for the mental health of women!
Excuse me Senator, but this is the United States of America and not everyone agrees with your political opinion that is why there is voting. It's called democracy you should try it.
Let's continue to rally for the unborn and rally for the mental health of women!
Political Cartoonist- "Chooses" to Get Involved in the Abortion Debate
Comic is from: Washington Post Comic by Tom Toles
Oh Tom Toles, yes- I would like a 9 month waiting period. First, it is not about denying a woman's right. In most cases, besides rape, the woman chose to have sex and anyone knows that with sex comes possible chances of pregnancy. Not all contraceptives are 100% and any literate woman or woman with common sense should know this. Secondly, just because the woman chose to have sex, is it the baby's fault? No. Therefore, if the woman is unable to provide a lifestyle that is appropriate for a baby then she has 9 months to interview possible parents and do a closed or open adoption. The baby has rights too. Tom Toles, is it right for you to murder someone because you made a mistake? The answer is no. Just look at the hundreds of thousands of prisoners on death row and justify their actions for me.
Now, what is really interesting about this comic is the fact that one valuable piece of information is missing. The fact that us pro-lifers do actually care about the women and that is one of our reasons for being pro-life. Did you know that abortion hurts women's health? There have been thirty studies over five years that show that women who have had an abortion suffer from PTSD, anxiety disorders, suicidal behaviors, and many other mental health issues. See this link for more information: Thirty Studies in Five Years Shows Abortion Hurts Women's Mental Health
So Tom Toles, it isn't that I am denying women's rights, it's more that I care about the health and well being of the mother and her unborn baby.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
15 Babies Saved in El Paso
I tweeted with Gabby this evening and 15 babies have been saved. One soon-to-mother that chose life is expecting twins. One expectant mother had a miscarriage. Please continue to pray for El Paso and the 40 Days for Life team.
Friday, March 25, 2011
13 Year Old Requests Defunding of Planned Parenthood
Love the video....but one point- "we" will not re-elect you? Just say the voters will not re-elect you, because you can't vote yet sweetie.
V for Vendetta
While on my break this morning, I was reading a few articles on the possibility of Defunding of Planned Parenthooddue to the bill that is before the House right now. One of these articles was about comments that Senator Barbara Boxer made about the GOP backed bill to Defund Planned Parenthood. In a new conference, please see link below:
At the conference, Boxer refers to the bill as a GOP political vendetta. First off, the bill is not a political vendetta. The bill was written to ensure that no taxpayer dollars are used to support abortion. Why should Planned Parenthood be defunded? The answer is simple- criminal intent; I am not referring to the popular show "Law and Order", I am referring to the intent to cover up a crime. Which could mean that they could be charged as accessories and/or obstructing justice. Planned Parenthood has shown that they are willing to cover up the sexual trafficking of minors. If you don't know what I am talking about go read up on Live Action or read several of my previous blogs. In several Planned Parenthood's across the nation office managers, staff and counselors counseled women to lie about their age, the age of their partner, their profession, and other topics to make an abortion "legal". Senator Boxer, I am not willing to let my taxes go to support criminal activity or support the murdering of innocent life. I am sorry but I do not have a vendetta against the unborn or women.
Can you please explain how this bill is a vendetta against the middle-class and working individuals? Women can still go to other clinics for pap tests, breast exams, and other life saving treatments. It just means that taxpayers dollars will not be supporting Planned Parenthood or abortions period.
At the conference, Boxer refers to the bill as a GOP political vendetta. First off, the bill is not a political vendetta. The bill was written to ensure that no taxpayer dollars are used to support abortion. Why should Planned Parenthood be defunded? The answer is simple- criminal intent; I am not referring to the popular show "Law and Order", I am referring to the intent to cover up a crime. Which could mean that they could be charged as accessories and/or obstructing justice. Planned Parenthood has shown that they are willing to cover up the sexual trafficking of minors. If you don't know what I am talking about go read up on Live Action or read several of my previous blogs. In several Planned Parenthood's across the nation office managers, staff and counselors counseled women to lie about their age, the age of their partner, their profession, and other topics to make an abortion "legal". Senator Boxer, I am not willing to let my taxes go to support criminal activity or support the murdering of innocent life. I am sorry but I do not have a vendetta against the unborn or women.
Can you please explain how this bill is a vendetta against the middle-class and working individuals? Women can still go to other clinics for pap tests, breast exams, and other life saving treatments. It just means that taxpayers dollars will not be supporting Planned Parenthood or abortions period.
12 Babies Saved in El Paso
Since the start of 40 Days for Life started, I have been praying daily for the nation; however, I have been praying for a few cities in particular: El Paso, Tucson, Glendale, New York, Miami, and San Diego. My reasoning for this is because these are cities with very high immigration populations where money isn't really a overflowing fountain and a struggling family might choose to abort to cut expenses.
The good news is that I tweeted with a fellow pro-life advocate in El Paso this morning and so far 12 babies lives have been spared over a 17 day period. I ask that you all continue to pray for these families. El Paso is a place very near to my heart. I got to spend a lot of time there this past fall and enjoyed the city and Fort Bliss.
I pray that all people continue to pray for our nation and continue to pray for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.
The good news is that I tweeted with a fellow pro-life advocate in El Paso this morning and so far 12 babies lives have been spared over a 17 day period. I ask that you all continue to pray for these families. El Paso is a place very near to my heart. I got to spend a lot of time there this past fall and enjoyed the city and Fort Bliss.
I pray that all people continue to pray for our nation and continue to pray for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Billy Graham and the Wind
Today, I had an interesting conversation with a pro-choice individual. Her biggest evidence for allowing an early pregnancy abortion is that because you cannot visibly see or feel the baby. Her words used to describe the baby at the point where an abortion would be satisfactory in her opinion was when it was "small and not well formed". I believe after my response she had to rethink her thought process.
As I sat there listening to her thought process, I had to respond with a famous Billy Graham quote, "Can you see God? You haven't seen him? I've never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind, but I've never seen the wind. There's a mystery to it." I followed this quote by saying just cause you can't see something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are effects to being pregnant---usually most women note being nauseous in the first trimester; those are the effects of the "wind". You cannot deny that there is life. Life begins when the egg is fertilized and from that moment the DNA begins to form the unique code that is that person.
So let's not deny the unborn the right to life because we can't see it.
As I sat there listening to her thought process, I had to respond with a famous Billy Graham quote, "Can you see God? You haven't seen him? I've never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind, but I've never seen the wind. There's a mystery to it." I followed this quote by saying just cause you can't see something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are effects to being pregnant---usually most women note being nauseous in the first trimester; those are the effects of the "wind". You cannot deny that there is life. Life begins when the egg is fertilized and from that moment the DNA begins to form the unique code that is that person.
So let's not deny the unborn the right to life because we can't see it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Being a Former Embryo and All, I am Prolife
This music video is the true life story of Nick Cannon; probably one of the most powerful music videos that I have ever seen. Enjoy!
It's Murder, Yet It Isn't. Double Standards Seem to Work All the Time.
The date was December 24th, 2002, a man out of Modesto, California calls the Modesto Police Department to report his pregnant wife missing, does this one sentence recap recall any famous cases in the United States? The case that I am referring to is the Scott Peterson case. In the weeks, months, and years to follow this man's picture was plastered all over the national news for the disappearance of his pregnant wife Laci and their unborn son Conner. Laci was 8 months pregnant at the time and her body was found April 13th, 2003 in the bay where Scott had reportedly gone fishing on Christmas Eve of 2002. Scott was arrested on April 18th, 2003 and he was evenutally tried and convicted with two counts of first degree murder. One count for the murder of his wife Laci and one count for the murder of their unborn son Conner under the first degree. First degree meaning premeditated. So why is Scott being tried with two counts of murder---Just follow me here. How can we as Americans charge him with the murder of his unborn son and yet we allow 3,700 babies to be aborted in clinics across the country daily? It seems like a double standard. The unborn's life counts when you murder the mother, but it doesn't count if the mother is living? I am quite confused. It seems like a double standard, and what are we saying as a population. If you do murder the unborn just make sure you go to Planned Parenthood to make it not a crime? If that is the case then Scott Peterson should have just taken his wife to an abortion facility and had Conner aborted before he committed his crime.
A life is a life, and life begins at conception. Scott Peterson deserves to be convicted of two counts of murder for the murders of Laci and Conner, but America needs to protect the unborn and stop standing behind the "it's a woman's choice" statement. 1% of all abortions performed are due to rape or incest, 1% of all abortions are due to fetal abnormalities, and 3% of all abortions are due to the health of the mother. Therefore 95% of all abortions performed are due to the following reasons:
"A person's a person no matter how small" - Horton from "Horton Hears A Who"
A life is a life, and life begins at conception. Scott Peterson deserves to be convicted of two counts of murder for the murders of Laci and Conner, but America needs to protect the unborn and stop standing behind the "it's a woman's choice" statement. 1% of all abortions performed are due to rape or incest, 1% of all abortions are due to fetal abnormalities, and 3% of all abortions are due to the health of the mother. Therefore 95% of all abortions performed are due to the following reasons:
- Wants to postpone childbearing: 25.5%
- Wants no (more) children: 7.9%
- Cannot afford a baby: 21.3%
- Having a child will disrupt education or job: 10.8%
- Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy: 14.1%
- Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy: 12.2%
- Risk to maternal health: 2.8%
- Risk to fetal health: 3.3%
- Other: 2.1%
So let's stop using abortion as a birth control and murdering innocent life due to people's lack of use of contraception or poor planning. Yes, accidents due happen but that doesn't mean two wrongs make a right.
"A person's a person no matter how small" - Horton from "Horton Hears A Who"
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Arizona, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, and the on-going Abortion Debate
So while researching the on-going topic of abortion, I stumbled across a video from Live Action films. In the audio recording that appears in the video- a pro-life college student pretends to be a possible Planned Parenthood donor. He calls Planned Parenthood and tries to donate money with racial intentions. What I mean by this is that the "donor" asks if the money could be used to exterminate black babies specifically. Lisa at Planned Parenthood excitedly say "she understands" and seems to be willing to take the donation. If this is the case, Arizona better be prepared to file lawsuits against Planned Parenthood for racial extermination.
Further on in the video, it is released that YouTube was removing LiveAction videos for no given reason. Censorship at it's finest. Oh what is this world coming to? The United States is becoming a place where people can picket military funerals because of their 1st Ammendment rights, but yet people can't have their pro-life opinions on the web?
Further on in the video, it is released that YouTube was removing LiveAction videos for no given reason. Censorship at it's finest. Oh what is this world coming to? The United States is becoming a place where people can picket military funerals because of their 1st Ammendment rights, but yet people can't have their pro-life opinions on the web?
Arizona Trying to Ban Abortions that Discriminate- Am I missing something?
The Associated Press (AP) out of Phoenix just released an article ( stating that the Arizona Senate will be voting on a bill tomorrow that aims to ban abortions that occur due to the race or gender of the fetus. Ok am I missing something? All abortions are discriminatory. Abortions discriminate against the unborn. Lives are terminated daily all for the sake of economic, social, personal, and medical reasons.
Now am I the only person asking why a parent wouldn't terminate their babies life for racial reasons? The race of your baby is something that you can control. Gender is something that cannot be controlled.
Nice try Arizona to try to have an "abortion bill" but let's try a pro-life bill, because all abortions discriminate.
Now am I the only person asking why a parent wouldn't terminate their babies life for racial reasons? The race of your baby is something that you can control. Gender is something that cannot be controlled.
Nice try Arizona to try to have an "abortion bill" but let's try a pro-life bill, because all abortions discriminate.
Mission: Strip Planned Parenthood of Funding
Planned Parenthood originally was founded by Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist at her core and wrote books about how the sterilization of blacks, immigrants, and mentally retarded individuals was acceptable in her own opinion. Margaret believed that by sterilizing that population it would lead to a racially pure nation of thoroughbreds which is wrong at it's core. How can an organization supposedly aimed at helping women, be selective on the method of help it provides to a woman based on her race? (Example: why does a black women need to be sterilized and a white woman can have birth control?) So how can an organization with a history of racism and other acts of discrimination be given over $300 million in government funding annually to provide abortion services?
So below is a film that was produced by Live Action films. Live Action is a pro-life college group out of California that does sting operations to abortion clinics across the nation to see if they are following the laws. The video below from New Jersey shows that Planned Parenthood will break the law to provide abortions.
So below is a film that was produced by Live Action films. Live Action is a pro-life college group out of California that does sting operations to abortion clinics across the nation to see if they are following the laws. The video below from New Jersey shows that Planned Parenthood will break the law to provide abortions.
So after viewing this video, I am asking all people to contact your state representatives, senators, and Governor. The Planned Parenthood funding for this year is currently up for discussion and there is a push to have their funding removed. Please contact your representatives to inform them of your opinion, because why should your tax payer dollars be going to fund an organization that protects criminals and knowingly performs services on abused, molested, or sexually trafficked minors without reporting it to the authorities? Ultimately, sending the victims back into their abusers arms.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Needles and Yarn- the creation of a masterpiece that is life
So incase the purpose of this blog is discretely hidden and not apparent- the purpose of this blog is to look at current events on the abortion topic and give new perspective.
So what is abortion- medically speaking ofcourse:
Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost. Medical Terms Dictionary
The term abortion is loosely used in today's society. Abortion can be used to not only describe a miscarriage which is when the body aborts the fetus due to natural causes; moreover, abortion can also be used to discuss the medical procedure where the mother choses to have a baby's life terminated for medical, social, economic, or personal reasons. However, for the purpose of this blog I will be using the term abortion in the latter definition- the definition where it is not naturally done by the mother's body (i.e. miscarriage). I will be using the term to discuss the medical procedure that is done 3,700 times a day in United States. It is a procedure that kills the innocent life in the womb.
Now you may be asking the question, how is she taking her stance on abortion? The answer starts off simply: Psalms 139:13-16. Psalms 139 was written by David before the time of Christ. Psalms 139 states:
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Ok, so after reading the above excerpt from Psalms, you will notice that I have highlighted some key phrases or things that need to be delved into a little more. For example in verse 13, the phrase "knit me together in my mother's womb" is unique based upon the verb used in this phrase "knit". Knit is a verb that requires thought; for example, why wasn't the verb "placed" used instead? Knitting is an action that involves purpose. The ultimate goal of knitting is to create an object with a specific purpose; Examples: Booties to cover babies feet, blankets for warmth and comfort, or any other knit object with a specific function or purpose. This thought of being knit with a purpose then ties into verse 16 when it states "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"; basically tying into that idea that all indivduals are uniquely created and each person has their own purpose, their own function, their own reason for being.
Therefore, based on the above verses we must believe that life begins at conception, because God is knitting a specific unique individual whom He will decide their destiny. Not us. God has a purpose for every individuals life before they are breathed into existence; therefore, who are we to decide who lives, who dies, and what happens to the unborn?
So what is abortion- medically speaking ofcourse:
Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost. Medical Terms Dictionary
The term abortion is loosely used in today's society. Abortion can be used to not only describe a miscarriage which is when the body aborts the fetus due to natural causes; moreover, abortion can also be used to discuss the medical procedure where the mother choses to have a baby's life terminated for medical, social, economic, or personal reasons. However, for the purpose of this blog I will be using the term abortion in the latter definition- the definition where it is not naturally done by the mother's body (i.e. miscarriage). I will be using the term to discuss the medical procedure that is done 3,700 times a day in United States. It is a procedure that kills the innocent life in the womb.
Now you may be asking the question, how is she taking her stance on abortion? The answer starts off simply: Psalms 139:13-16. Psalms 139 was written by David before the time of Christ. Psalms 139 states:
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Ok, so after reading the above excerpt from Psalms, you will notice that I have highlighted some key phrases or things that need to be delved into a little more. For example in verse 13, the phrase "knit me together in my mother's womb" is unique based upon the verb used in this phrase "knit". Knit is a verb that requires thought; for example, why wasn't the verb "placed" used instead? Knitting is an action that involves purpose. The ultimate goal of knitting is to create an object with a specific purpose; Examples: Booties to cover babies feet, blankets for warmth and comfort, or any other knit object with a specific function or purpose. This thought of being knit with a purpose then ties into verse 16 when it states "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"; basically tying into that idea that all indivduals are uniquely created and each person has their own purpose, their own function, their own reason for being.
Therefore, based on the above verses we must believe that life begins at conception, because God is knitting a specific unique individual whom He will decide their destiny. Not us. God has a purpose for every individuals life before they are breathed into existence; therefore, who are we to decide who lives, who dies, and what happens to the unborn?
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