Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In Memory of Joseph Thomas

On Good Friday, a  12-14 week pre-born baby was found dismembered outside the Hilltop Women's Facility in El Paso, Texas.  For complete information please see this blogpost by Gabriela Federico, a dear friend of mine: Aborted Baby Found in abortion clinic parking lot

Needless to say the unborn baby has not even been given a proper burial.  El Paso Police Department will not even tell us where the remains have been placed. Mike Baranay, El Paso Police Spokesman, has said that: "they were disposed of properly."  What does he mean by this.  I hope he does not mean that they were thrown in the trash like the other countless victims of Hilltop. 

A Poem that I found for Joseph Thomas (please note I changed she to he for the purpose):

The Aborted Baby: The Crying Fetus
by Patricia Joan Polhans

I saw Jesus holding 'thin his hands
An aborted baby, killed by man.
He'd done nothing to deserve this fate
Though, in his hands he silently waits

As those came seeking out his young life,
Standing there, all dressed in tainted white.
Whether to live or die was not his choice.
He was never giv'n and alt'ring voice.

He pleaded for his life but no one heard
The screaming cries as his heart was stirred.
Now, he lay lifeless 'thin the Master's hands
This was ne'er his will, and ne'er His plans.

It brought sharp tears to the Father's eyes
For he was a special gift, child of Christ.
Many questions had filled his wee thoughts.
Struggling to live, many answers he sought.

What had he done and what did mom fear,
From a little child that God called dear?
What problems mom had, he knew not of,
As he gazed through precious eyes of love.

Mom 'll never count small fingers 'n' toes,
Nor watch him as he quietly grows.
She'll never know the preciousness of
A child giving her a kiss of love.

What'd he done deserving this horrid fate?
An innocent child, yet, his life they'd take.
Hear his desperate cries! Hear his faint pleas!
"Mama! Mama! Oh, dear Mama, please!"

"I'll be a good boy, I won't ever cry.
I'll even do chores, just don't let me die!"
But only silence filled the Master's hands.
As the child lay lifeless, not breathing 'gain.

Now he'll never look in mother's eyes
As she sings to him sweet lullabyes.
He'll ne'er stroll in the park near his father
Or feel the loving arms of a mother.

Some called him nothing but a fetus
But, now, he lay in the hands of Jesus!
Why did he have to come to this fate?
No help for him now, it's just too late!

Joseph Thomas, I know that I will never forget you, and I hope that your death will open the eyes of all pro-choice individuals to see that your weren't just tissue.  You had fingers, toes, arms, legs, and a heart.   Although your body was destroyed- You are with God now, and you are safe in His arms.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Joshua 6: Alive and well in El Paso- and my prayer for this Nation

I have been talking with my friend Gabriela in El Paso and the El Paso crew is doing a Wall of Jericho around the abortion mills in El Paso for the last week of 40 Days for Life.  Let us continue to pray that God will move in the hearts and lives of those who are going to these clinics for services.  Also let's continue to pray that our lawmakers will see the atrocity that is occuring in our Nation daily all for "women's health".

I believe that God can overturn Roe V. Wade in this nation because in 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says:

"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

My daily prayer:

Lord, I am praying for the restoration of our Nation that one day all, born and pre-born, will be entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Lord, I am praying for those who cannot have their voices heard.  In Your word it says (Proverbs 31:8):

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

Lord, I believe that this injustice can be overturned.  Use me in whatever way You seem fit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sorry I have been MIA

Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a few days.  I have been under the weather and I lost my dear Aunt Hazel within the past 7 days. 

Since her passing, I have found a song called "In My Arms" by Plumb.  It reminds me that I will ultimately see her in Heaven because she is safe in Jesus' arms; however, this song also has the perspective of a mother's love for her child.  I wish all mother's would love their children enough to not abort them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cool Video created by an online Twitter follower

Short simple, yet oh so true.

Jim Jordan is my hero

So glad to know that you will do the right thing.  Now let's pass that Heartbeat bill!

Let's Pray to < / abortion >

So some of you may be asking yourself, what is that title.  That title has some HTML code.  I basically said, "Let' pray to end abortion".  I know, I am such a nerd.

Anyways, on to the meat of my post.  First off, I am sorry for not blogging the past few days.  I had some personal matters to take care of and sometimes we have to take care of ourselves first before we can help others, and that was what I needed to do.

Anyways, I found this really good rap song by a Christian pro-life band called Kalled Out.  They have a pro-life song about abortion called "Margie's Song" please give it a listen if you can.

Monday, April 4, 2011

French History Teacher Loses Job Over Abortion Debate

November of 2010, a French history teacher named Philippe Isnard was suspended for handing out prolife matericals and images of aborted babies during an abortion debate in his 10th grade history class.  Philippe was a history teacher in Manosque, France. Thursday of last week Isnard was fired from the National Education System of France.  Along with being fired, Isnard lost his position without salary, benefits, financial compensation or social welfare.

The firing of Isnard was backed by a pro-abortion feminist group called Prochoix.  The group called on the Education Minister to punish Isnard.

The Education Minister, Luc Chatel, stated, "What has happened is unacceptable.  Professors are under obligation to respect neutrality and to have respect for the person."

The consequences that have been given to Isnard are considered to be the harshest possible disciplinary measures.  With these disciplinary measures, Isnard will no longer be able to teach in any state-funded schools.

Please pray for this man and his wife and two children that the Lord would use this situation to grow him and shape him, and that this family would be taken care of.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Proud to be an Arizonan

House Bill #2416 is supposed to be on Governor Jan Brewer's desk which means that it will be signed in the not too distant future. Why do I make such claims about the future of the bill? Jan Brewer is pro-life and has a voting record to prove it.

So what does this bill do?  This bill will require all women seeking the RU-486 pill to get it from a doctor.  This pill can no longer be administered by nurse practitioner or medical staff. Bryan Howard, CEO of Planned Parenthood Arizona, stated that if this bill goes into effect Planned Parenthood will not have doctors in the rural areas and it will also delay women seeking abortions in Tucson and Phoenix.  The bill also asks that women are asked if they would like to see the ultrasound and heartbeat before the abortion.

This bill seeks to treat the RU-486 pill like a surgical abortion.  The RU-486 pill induces a miscarriage.

There are still two bills that are about taxpayer funding of abortions that are currently on the Arizona Senate floor.

More updates to come.

Friday, April 1, 2011

McDonnell signs bill- steps made in the right direction

Virginia Governor Mc Donnell signed a bill that would require abortion clinics to be under the same regulations as hospitals. Seventeen of the 21 abortion clinics would have to close temporarily to make the necessary changes to bring the clinic up to code.  These regulations will ultimately raise the cost to have an abortion and for that reason it will be more difficult for women to have abortions.  Thank you Mc Donnell for making steps to protect women and the unborn.