I have not been blogging lately due to the circumstances in my family and my job. Upon accepting the challenge to be the Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life Tucson, I have been dealing with the biggest amount of spiritual warfare that I have ever had to deal with in my life. I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy, because this experience has strengthened me.
Shortly after accepting the challenge I found that my job was in jeopardy of being renewed due to the budget circumstance. Then my uncle started feeling ill. He went in to have a check up and found that he had stage four lung cancer and a tumor on his brain stem. My uncle Ron faced the cancer head on. He embodied the verse 2 Timothy 4:7 which is as follows:
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Throughout this whole situation of countless surgeries, pneumonia battle, and other procedures my uncle never once complained or lost faith in God. his strength was remarkable and his spirits were a witness to all. His positive attitude and unwavering faith were a testimony of his confident faith in God. Although I mourn the physical loss of him. I celebrate the life he lived and knowing that God first healed him spiritually a few years ago which was the greatest need and this morning He healed him completely.
I must also remember that God rejoices in the deaths of his saints for this reason. Please see Psalms 116:15.
Please continue to pray for my family.
This incident really has reminded me how much I enjoy blogging and just how quick life really is.
Blogs to come soon, and I promise their good.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms139:13-16
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Half way there
So we are halfway through the campaign. So far everything has been okay. The hardest part has been getting people out to the site. My hope is that everyone is praying at home but I have to remember it isn't about numbers; quality not quantity. I can tell the prayers are working. The abortionist has contacted Catholic Services to refer women who chose life. So far one known save. I'm continuing to pray for the women, the clinic staff,and the abortionist. I request that all of you do too. Remember some seeds are planted and will harvest later. On my way back toTucson from Philly. Talk soon.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
40 Days for Life Tucson
Sorry that I have not been on in awhile. My work and personal life has kept me fairly busy. I have been spending a lot of time preparing for the fall 40 Days for Life Campaign.
Please see my site for more information: http://www.40daysforlife.com/tucson
Do you facebook? We do too: http://www.facebook.com/groups/40daysforlifetucson
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Government, Cigarettes, and the Unborn
First off, I want to apologize for taking a month break from writing. However, sometimes in order to take care of others we must first take care of ourselves. Please continue to pray for my state that is being overrun by wildfires.
So today's topic incase you didn't realize it, is going to talk about tobacco, the government and the unborn. Oh Kandyce, how ever did this topic cross your mind? Honestly, this topic has plagued my mind for years, and the new pictures on the cigarette ads just sent me into overdrive, literally.
Let me give you some background information about my childhood. I was born in the laste 80's, and grew up in the public education system during the 1990's. First off, I can remember in early elementary school, we had the DARE program, we were also forced to watch videos about smoking and the effects on your oral health, respiratory health, and the impacts it has on the body. Not to mention all the NicoDermCQ commericals that were televised, or the fact that they stopped showing the Marlboro commercials on TV.
If you google images of smoking, the results aren't beautiful at all.
So if everyone knows that smoking is harmful and that it can kill, why does the government continue to make the tobacco companies put more labels and graphic images on the boxes at the tax payers expense. Couldn't this money be better used elsewhere?
If people want to smoke, they are going to smoke- the goverment cannot control the lives of the people that live here. The problem isn't just with smoking, it's with obesity and many other topics. For example: the government started making the school vending machines carry only healthy options to try to combat childhood obesity. Do they not understand that these kids could go home and eat a whole box of cookies if they want? Once again, more money towards an issue that is a personal matter.
So why is the government continuing to throw money at issues that are known issues (i.e. smoking kills and eating junk food with no exercise will make you gain weight)? The government could be using this money to help save the lives of the unborn (3,600 murdered daily in the US), stop the exploitation of minors, or many other criminal activities that occur in the United States on a daily basis.
So today's topic incase you didn't realize it, is going to talk about tobacco, the government and the unborn. Oh Kandyce, how ever did this topic cross your mind? Honestly, this topic has plagued my mind for years, and the new pictures on the cigarette ads just sent me into overdrive, literally.
Let me give you some background information about my childhood. I was born in the laste 80's, and grew up in the public education system during the 1990's. First off, I can remember in early elementary school, we had the DARE program, we were also forced to watch videos about smoking and the effects on your oral health, respiratory health, and the impacts it has on the body. Not to mention all the NicoDermCQ commericals that were televised, or the fact that they stopped showing the Marlboro commercials on TV.
If you google images of smoking, the results aren't beautiful at all.
So if everyone knows that smoking is harmful and that it can kill, why does the government continue to make the tobacco companies put more labels and graphic images on the boxes at the tax payers expense. Couldn't this money be better used elsewhere?
If people want to smoke, they are going to smoke- the goverment cannot control the lives of the people that live here. The problem isn't just with smoking, it's with obesity and many other topics. For example: the government started making the school vending machines carry only healthy options to try to combat childhood obesity. Do they not understand that these kids could go home and eat a whole box of cookies if they want? Once again, more money towards an issue that is a personal matter.
So why is the government continuing to throw money at issues that are known issues (i.e. smoking kills and eating junk food with no exercise will make you gain weight)? The government could be using this money to help save the lives of the unborn (3,600 murdered daily in the US), stop the exploitation of minors, or many other criminal activities that occur in the United States on a daily basis.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Dia de Las Madres
Today is a very special day. It is Mother's Day. No matter who you are or where you came from- everyone has a mother. No matter what the situation may be between your mother and yourself, today is a day that you must be thankful for the great gift of life that she gave you. Unselfishly chosing to give you life, carrying you in her womb for 9 months, and going through a painful delivery to bring you into existence. What a gift. No matter if you were an accident, or a miracle there is a purpose for your life and your mom chose to have you.
As I was sitting in my car today, I was overcame with emotion. My mind wondered how those women who have had abortions handle a day like today. Today is probably a very hard day for those women. It is a probably a day of great saddness, a day of questioning, and a day of what ifs. Imagining a life that could have been, imagining a life of possibilities. I can't imagine what it must be like to go to Sunday brunch with your mom and see a mother walk in with a child that would be around the same age as the child that is aborted.
So today, I am praying for all those women. That God would show them a life of fulfillness in Him, forgiveness through Him, and the mercy that only Jesus gives. Secondly, I am praying that God would use their voices to speak out against the atrocity that kills 3,700 babies daily in the US and that these women's voices would change our legislation and keep other women from suffering the way that these women have.
Last and finally, I must thank my mother for chosing life. For giving birth to me and allowing me to live.
As I was sitting in my car today, I was overcame with emotion. My mind wondered how those women who have had abortions handle a day like today. Today is probably a very hard day for those women. It is a probably a day of great saddness, a day of questioning, and a day of what ifs. Imagining a life that could have been, imagining a life of possibilities. I can't imagine what it must be like to go to Sunday brunch with your mom and see a mother walk in with a child that would be around the same age as the child that is aborted.
So today, I am praying for all those women. That God would show them a life of fulfillness in Him, forgiveness through Him, and the mercy that only Jesus gives. Secondly, I am praying that God would use their voices to speak out against the atrocity that kills 3,700 babies daily in the US and that these women's voices would change our legislation and keep other women from suffering the way that these women have.
Last and finally, I must thank my mother for chosing life. For giving birth to me and allowing me to live.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In Memory of Joseph Thomas
On Good Friday, a 12-14 week pre-born baby was found dismembered outside the Hilltop Women's Facility in El Paso, Texas. For complete information please see this blogpost by Gabriela Federico, a dear friend of mine: Aborted Baby Found in abortion clinic parking lot
Needless to say the unborn baby has not even been given a proper burial. El Paso Police Department will not even tell us where the remains have been placed. Mike Baranay, El Paso Police Spokesman, has said that: "they were disposed of properly." What does he mean by this. I hope he does not mean that they were thrown in the trash like the other countless victims of Hilltop.
A Poem that I found for Joseph Thomas (please note I changed she to he for the purpose):
The Aborted Baby: The Crying Fetus
by Patricia Joan Polhans
I saw Jesus holding 'thin his hands
An aborted baby, killed by man.
He'd done nothing to deserve this fate
Though, in his hands he silently waits
As those came seeking out his young life,
Standing there, all dressed in tainted white.
Whether to live or die was not his choice.
He was never giv'n and alt'ring voice.
He pleaded for his life but no one heard
The screaming cries as his heart was stirred.
Now, he lay lifeless 'thin the Master's hands
This was ne'er his will, and ne'er His plans.
It brought sharp tears to the Father's eyes
For he was a special gift, child of Christ.
Many questions had filled his wee thoughts.
Struggling to live, many answers he sought.
What had he done and what did mom fear,
From a little child that God called dear?
What problems mom had, he knew not of,
As he gazed through precious eyes of love.
Mom 'll never count small fingers 'n' toes,
Nor watch him as he quietly grows.
She'll never know the preciousness of
A child giving her a kiss of love.
What'd he done deserving this horrid fate?
An innocent child, yet, his life they'd take.
Hear his desperate cries! Hear his faint pleas!
"Mama! Mama! Oh, dear Mama, please!"
"I'll be a good boy, I won't ever cry.
I'll even do chores, just don't let me die!"
But only silence filled the Master's hands.
As the child lay lifeless, not breathing 'gain.
Now he'll never look in mother's eyes
As she sings to him sweet lullabyes.
He'll ne'er stroll in the park near his father
Or feel the loving arms of a mother.
Some called him nothing but a fetus
But, now, he lay in the hands of Jesus!
Why did he have to come to this fate?
No help for him now, it's just too late!
Joseph Thomas, I know that I will never forget you, and I hope that your death will open the eyes of all pro-choice individuals to see that your weren't just tissue. You had fingers, toes, arms, legs, and a heart. Although your body was destroyed- You are with God now, and you are safe in His arms.
Needless to say the unborn baby has not even been given a proper burial. El Paso Police Department will not even tell us where the remains have been placed. Mike Baranay, El Paso Police Spokesman, has said that: "they were disposed of properly." What does he mean by this. I hope he does not mean that they were thrown in the trash like the other countless victims of Hilltop.
A Poem that I found for Joseph Thomas (please note I changed she to he for the purpose):
The Aborted Baby: The Crying Fetus
by Patricia Joan Polhans
I saw Jesus holding 'thin his hands
An aborted baby, killed by man.
He'd done nothing to deserve this fate
Though, in his hands he silently waits
As those came seeking out his young life,
Standing there, all dressed in tainted white.
Whether to live or die was not his choice.
He was never giv'n and alt'ring voice.
He pleaded for his life but no one heard
The screaming cries as his heart was stirred.
Now, he lay lifeless 'thin the Master's hands
This was ne'er his will, and ne'er His plans.
It brought sharp tears to the Father's eyes
For he was a special gift, child of Christ.
Many questions had filled his wee thoughts.
Struggling to live, many answers he sought.
What had he done and what did mom fear,
From a little child that God called dear?
What problems mom had, he knew not of,
As he gazed through precious eyes of love.
Mom 'll never count small fingers 'n' toes,
Nor watch him as he quietly grows.
She'll never know the preciousness of
A child giving her a kiss of love.
What'd he done deserving this horrid fate?
An innocent child, yet, his life they'd take.
Hear his desperate cries! Hear his faint pleas!
"Mama! Mama! Oh, dear Mama, please!"
"I'll be a good boy, I won't ever cry.
I'll even do chores, just don't let me die!"
But only silence filled the Master's hands.
As the child lay lifeless, not breathing 'gain.
Now he'll never look in mother's eyes
As she sings to him sweet lullabyes.
He'll ne'er stroll in the park near his father
Or feel the loving arms of a mother.
Some called him nothing but a fetus
But, now, he lay in the hands of Jesus!
Why did he have to come to this fate?
No help for him now, it's just too late!
Joseph Thomas, I know that I will never forget you, and I hope that your death will open the eyes of all pro-choice individuals to see that your weren't just tissue. You had fingers, toes, arms, legs, and a heart. Although your body was destroyed- You are with God now, and you are safe in His arms.
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